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Elevate Your
DJ Skills at
Tomorrowland Academy

Ever dreamt of mastering the decks under the guidance of a DJ prodigy? Jorn Pricez, the Belgian house sensation and a fixture on the international electronic music scene, invites you to a transformative experience at the Tomorrowland Academy. This is more than a course; it's your gateway to the pinnacle of electronic music mastery.

Why Learn from Jorn?

  • Proven Mastery: With years of chart-topping hits, electrifying performances across the globe, and a passion for sharing his craft, Jorn brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Academy. Learning from Jorn is not just about techniques; it's about embracing a philosophy that has propelled him to stardom.
  • Personalized Instruction: Jorn Pricez takes pride in offering hands-on, personalized training that goes beyond the basics. He delves deep into the art and science of DJing, ensuring you grasp the nuances of creating compelling electronic music that moves crowds.
  • A Unique Opportunity: Classes with Jorn at the Tomorrowland Academy are a rare chance to get up close and personal with one of the industry's brightest stars. This unique setting fosters an intimate learning environment where Jorn shares insights you won't find anywhere else.
  • Pathway to the Stage: Imagine taking the lessons learned from Jorn and applying them live, possibly even at Tomorrowland itself. Our most dedicated students have the opportunity to turn their dreams into reality, following in the footsteps of their mentor on one of the world's most coveted stages.

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